Miért választják az ND MARKET-et

Advantages of ND MARKET:

  • Low cost of produced goods or services due to the urgent sales.
  • Only expensive goods and services are provided on the platform.
  • Momentary payment of the caution money by the preliminary agreement.
  • Possibility for reservation of goods and services by preliminary agreement, as well as cost and terms.
  • Pending a signing of the main agreement, the cost and terms of the transaction are preserved.
  • The mandatory signing of agreements for the supply of goods and services.
  • Refunds for purchase of the goods by viewing “Actual cost” by all users of the platform.
  • Possibility of obtaining a passive income by inviting corporate sellers and users of the ND MARKET platform.
  • Extremely convenient panel for purchase management and communication with sellers.
  • Opportunity to work inside the platform using NDCOIN token without getting currency out to third-party cryptocurrency wallets (for those, who do not believe and do not trust cryptocurrencies).
  • The necessity of using NDCOIN, an internal currency, unavoidably leads to token growth on exchanges.

By viewing the “Actual Cost” of the goods or services, you are simultaneously helping other people!!! Funds from the viewing the “Actual Cost” of the goods, which for some reason did not reach the Buyers (the goods were withdrawn by the Seller, fraudulent acts, etc.) are used to charity purposes, namely to make high-quality prostheses for those people, who really need it.

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